Wild Dreams
24/8 20:00
25/8 20:00
Old Court Building, 2nd Floor
波蘭 Poland
默劇表演者 / 歌手
Mime / Singer
Programme length is approximately 45 minutes without intermission
Best for aged 6 and above
Please see also the workshop page for Shakkalo’s workshop in Physical Theatre
您曾否想過拋低家人、朋友、身邊一切去環遊世界?這是Lina 自小的夢想。今日她將會帶同她的露營帳篷和烏克麗麗,決定放手一搏,探索她未曾去過的地方。
Have you ever thought of leaving your family, friends, and everything behind to travel around the world? This has always been the dream of Lina since she was a little girl. Today, with her ukulele and her tent, Lina takes on the challenge and travels alone to places she has never been to.
In “Wild dreams”, Shakkalo, a multi-talented and creative artist from Poland, will show you Lina’s incredible journey. Filled with mime, acrobatic, dancing, and singing, “Wild dreams” is a poetic spectacle with humour that you won’t forget!
Shakkalo是來自法國和波蘭的默劇表演者和歌手。她曾在華沙默劇中心及跟世界各地的專業默劇演員學習。在巴黎L'Ecole Internationale de Mime Corporel以優異成績畢業後,在德國的默劇劇團Bodecker&Neander工作。現居於巴黎,常在巴黎街頭表演獻唱。
Shakkalo is a French-Polish mime and singer. She has studied in Warsaw Mime Center and under many professional mimes around the world. After graduating with honours from L’Ecole Internationale de Mime Corporel in Paris, she worked for the Bodecker & Neander Pantomime Company in Germany. She is now living in Paris and can be frequently seen singing in the streets of Paris.