表演者 Performer
Carlo Jacucci
意大利 Italy
演出時長: 30 分鐘
Show time: 30 minutes
卡洛·雅谷奇是一位多才多藝的表演者、演員和戲劇教師,擁有豐富的歐洲及全球經驗。他曾參與知名作品如《Dogs》(維也納、柏林、義大利)、《Vitamin》(倫敦、孟買、吉隆坡),以及在愛爾蘭各大藝術節演出的個人秀《Grzegorz》。Carlo 的表演融合了創意與幽默,將獨特的角色生動地呈現於舞台上。
Carlo Jacucci is a versatile performer, actor, and theatre teacher with extensive experience in Europe and beyond. He has performed in notable productions like Dogs (Vienna, Berlin, Italy), Vitamin (London, Mumbai, Kuala Lumpur), and his solo show Grzegorz across Irish festivals. Carlo’s performances are a blend of creativity and humor, bringing unique characters to life on stage.a
Humour Clashing
30/11 19:45
1/12 19:45
Macao Cultural Centre Box I
Show description:
“Vitamin” is a delightful journey through life’s quirky moments, where the everyday becomes extraordinary. A caterpillar struggles to break free from its box, a guru fumbles through wisdom he never read, and a marathon runner veers hilariously off course, turning to robbery. With spontaneous humour and playful charm, a single actor brings these unexpected characters to life, transforming simple struggles into laughter-filled beauty. As imaginative as it is hilarious – come for the fun, stay for the unexpected!
★★★★★ BROADWAY BABY「不可思議的精彩喜劇戲劇」
★★★★ THE TIMES「原始的簡潔與充滿想像力的魅力」
THREE WEEKS「充滿活力與瘋狂創意的現代小丑」
Reviews & Awards:
★★★★★ BROADWAY BABY"Inexplicably Wonderful Comic Theatre"
★★★★ THE TIMES"Primitive simplicity and imaginative charm"
Nanyang Business News: "Reversing the normal world"
THREE WEEKS: "A contemporary clown full of vitality and inventive insanity"